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Partners in BIM

What is BIM
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a reflection of the widely adopted concept of Product Information Modeling (PIM) in many industries, adapted to the construction needs PIM is the process of creating and obtaining information about an object and its components, as well as mapping them in the form of a 3D model of the building (together with a set of data on its individual elements according to a specific scheme also called Data Model Structure.
BIM is revolutionizing. It is a solution for the construction sector in the age of digitization. It combines the latest technologies, allowing the entire life cycle of the building from its concept, design, construction to management as well as maintenance to run as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Who use BIM
BIM can be used by all participants of the design process, although it can mean something
different for each of them, Building Information Modeling:
PIM - Project Information Model
- Planning -The investor together with the design office determines the concept of the object
DIM - Design Information Model
- Design – The design team (architects, engineers, constructors) using building materials of manufacturers design the object
CIM - Construction Information Model
- Building – The design team and investor supervise the work of construction and contracting companies
FIM - Facility Information Model
- Management – The finished building is managed by the investor and property managers

Benefits of BIM

Data availability
- Collection and smooth data exchange,
- Access and update of data throughout the entire life cycle of the project,
- Easier communication and exchange of project information across the team
Environmental Protection
- Optimal use of available resources,
- Reduction of waste and unused materials,
Better quality
- Reduction of construction and maintenance costs,
- Better use of available space,
- Collision elimination at the design stage,

BIM Production is part of the BIM world from the very beginning. Our experience is based on education and knowledge acquired over the years during cooperation with design and engineering companies, construction manufacturers as well as investors.
We consider BIM to be a tool that allows designers to work effectively by automating certain processes and manufacturers to present their products in a new form of 3D libraries.
Our mission is to build long-term cooperation between designers and producers, so that each side benefits thanks to our solutions. We also believe that only an individual approach to each client allows to maximize the benefits of BIM.